Monday, May 4, 2009

Basic Diamond Dimensions

1) Table is the topmost and largest facet of a diamond. The size of the table has a major influence on the brilliance and fire of a diamond. If the table is too small then the brilliance gets reduced and the fire increases. And if the table is too big, it is vice versa.

Crown is the sloping section of a diamond- from the girdle to the table. This part of the stone shows above the prongs or settings and so it is most visible.

Girdle is the point where the crown and pavilion meet, which also determines the perimeter of the diamond. A girdle can be very thin to very thick, medium being the best for any diamond.

Diameter is the width of the diamond measured with reference to the girdle. It is the widest portion of a stone.

Pavilion is the lower section of a diamond from the girdle to the culet. The pavilion depth can harm the look of the diamond if it is too deep or too shallow. The pavilion angle decides the brilliance and fire of the diamond.

Culet is the tip of a diamond (the best culet is invisible to the naked eye). A large culet can detract the brilliance. So diamond cutters try to maintain the smallness of culet to make the brilliance stronger.

Depth is the height of a diamond measured from the culet to the table. Depth gives the illusion of a bigger diamond and also enhances the amount of light that is reflected back.

Diamond Dimensions